Marinka Limat

Art Of Encounter

2023.03.03 - 2023.03.31
Marinka Limat művészeti sétája során nem csupán távolságokat jár be, hanem találkozásokat gyűjt. Minden egyes találkozás egyedülálló és különböző. Értékes pillanatok, melyeket óvatosan őrizni kell. Néhány találkozó sikertelen, mások elmaradnak és néha jobb lehet, ha elkerüljük a találkozást. A művész azonban az átmenetekből is tanulva, a találkozások gyakorlatát tárja szemünk elé. Marinka Limat számára a találkozásokból származó élmények és érzelmek a művészeti inspirációk forrásai, amelyeket aztán alkotásaiban megjeleníthet.

A Film by Marinka Limat
2022 | Switzerland | 29′

A film nyitvatartási időben folyamatosan megtekinthető.

On her art walk from Kassel to Athens, Marinka Limat is collecting encounters. Involving people she never met before. Each encounter is unique and different. Precious moments to be carried along with care. Certain encounters do not work, others are missed, and sometimes avoiding an encounter is the better option. Learning from the in between, the artist is unfolding her practise of encountering in front of our eyes.

Marinka Limat is walking from Kassel to Athens. Far off from the documenta-14’s hotspots of contemporary art, her art work puts a focus on the in between. The in between cities, people, even between herself and any other person crossing her path.

Being the stranger passing by, the artist looks for contact, asking for a place to stay, a coffee or a simple bit of information. Using these pretexts, she explores the artistic potential of daily situations. Declaring that these purely human interactions inhere a potential of art, she seeks to uncover theirs rules and to develop tools for a performative practise: An “Art of the Encounter” is unfolding in front of our eyes.

On her journey, the artist is experiencing one encounter after another: Each one is unique and different. Certain encounters do not work, others are missed, and sometimes avoiding an encounteris the better option. From encounter to encounter, the artist becomes more aware of the conditions that determine her ephemeral work.

In her film, Marinka Limat takes the audience with her to flirt with the boundaries of art. It’s not in a spectacular way, and sometimes you may even doubt her quest. But exposed to all shades of encounters and enduring her most honest intentions, the artist brings forth some of very basic human qualities, binding them in an artistic form. Step by step, the evidence is rising that something different is still possible.

Further information can be found on the film’s website:

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